How's everyone doing? It's the first week of school for me and frankly, I'm feeling a little lost and unused to being back in school but I'm sure I'll be forced back into work-mode very soon because there's just so much to do!
In an attempt to end my holidays on a nice note, we decided to head to Epicurious at Robertson Quay to indulge in some comfort food!

The indoor dining area of Epicurious is relatively small so most of the patrons (including us) had our meals outdoors. The weather wasn't too hot on the day we visited this much talked about restaurant so we weren't bothered by the heat.
We shared a long table with another couple so it was a little like eating at a food court. I like the idea of placing a container that is filled with cutlery and other meal essentials so diners can help themselves to whatever they need.
Initially, I wanted to have eggs benedict but it wasn't available on that day so I chose to go for the waiter's recommendation, which was Green Eggs and Ham ($12) . If you're wondering why it's called "green eggs", it's because the eggs are mixed with pesto and it tastes really good! I've grown to like pesto-flavoured things quite a bit and Epicurious's green eggs definitely hit the spot for me. Apart from the green-eggs-bacon-on-toast, I also had roasted potatoes (which were warm and delectably delicious) and a slice of watermelon on the side.
Jeffrey opted for the combo grilled chicken tenderlion sandwich ($9). The most interesting aspect of this dish to me is the sidedish! I've never seen such crackers being served as sides apart from when I eat Indian food. It's definitely something different from the usual salad. Jeffrey didn't say much about his chicken sandwich so I guess it's pretty normal.
To end off our meal, we chose to have their bread & butter pudding ($8) because I haven't had bread & butter pudding for a long time! Admittedly, their vanilla sauce was a tad too thin and uneven for my liking but the quality of their bread & butter pudding more than made up for it! It was denser than other bread and butter puddings that I've had but somehow it didn't taste bad. I actually liked its starchiness so for those who prefer to have something light for dessert, please do not order this.
As Epicurious is one of the listed White Card restaurants, we got 50% off these three dishes! =) I love getting discounts! =) We'll probably make a trip down to the new Epicurious outlet at Rail Mall to try their food and see if there's any difference. Having a nice meal with Jeffrey at Epicurious was definitely a good way to ease my return-to-school blues. I hope to continue trying out new restaurants despite my potentially busier/crazier schedule this year! (:
Alright, I'll end off here. Take care and have a great week ahead!
Hi Limmy, this is Helena from epicurious. I just came across your post (yeah, I guess I have been a little "slack" recently). Anyway. I'd like to offer you a voucher to come and try our new dinner menu dishes at Cafe Epicurious at The Rail Mall; we've also introduced a Family-Style (set) Menu which I personally think has some great selections and is great value for money. But I can't find an email address for you. Could you drop me a line at Cheers