Tuesday, August 31

Baking Prowess!

Today, we celebrated teachers' day in school. Students who know that I've a passion for food/ who like to bake gave me handmade goodies as gifts! =) I've never known that my little ones could bake so well! I have loads to learn from them! Here are some photos of their creations:

heart-shaped butter cookie (:

a really nice butterfly-shaped biscuit which unfortunately crumbled on the way home

Cookies with the letters of my name on it! (: Can you see my name?

Cornflake balls - these surely brought back memories of my secondary school days because they were all the rage then!

Star-shaped cookies (:

One big and hearty cookie in a box!

Brownies wrapped up very nicely (:

Oh and this large box of chocolates, which are not handmade but too lovely not to put up!

Thank you everyone who wished me happy teachers' day or gave me a card and/ or present. I appreciate your kind words and affection (: I will continue to put in my best for all of you. Thank you for being such an endearing first batch of students (: You have my love.

Have a good break tomorrow! =) See you on Thursday!


  1. hi jan!

    I've been reading your blog for some time now. I think your blog is fantastic! :) just curious, are you a school teacher by profession?


  2. Hello anonymous!

    Yes I think you have rightly inferred that I'm a teacher (:

  3. You're now known as Miss Lim! Gosh!
    Happy Teacher's Day Jan! :)

  4. Regina! (:

    Yes I am known either as Ms Jan or Ms Lim, depending on what my students like to call me (:


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  7. Hello mysterious 107er,

    Can you please send me an email to let me know who you are so that I can talk to you (about your short story)? Alternatively you can see me tomorrow too okay? Don't be too upset at the moment!
