Sunday, June 22

Faces at The Bale

Hello! (:

This post shall be dedicated to Faces Restaurant at The Bale, which has fed us very well during our short stay (: I don't think we have had a single bad dish at Faces, and we are always amazed at how they manage to make our food tastes so good. At this point in time, I'm still dreaming of their kickass fluffy pancakes that were absolutely delectable. Will look forward to my next breakfast by the pool! (:

For now, here are some photos:

On our first night, we decided to order room service and we were full of praise for the food served (: Here are some pics of what we had in our villa (sorry for the poor quality - the villa's lighting isn't the best for photo-taking!) (:

I reckon I'll do 3 more Bali-related posts and then move on to recording the food treats that I have had in Sg recently (:

I know that many people think that I just eat and eat more (good) food and that this seems to be my hobby or passion. I don't deny that it is - I love eating. But I think being able to indulge in this manner also constantly reminds me that I am indeed a very fortunate/ blessed person because despite the challenges and difficult times I've had, I still live a good life, and I am always thankful for it. (:

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